Путешествия и туры в Перу, Эквадор и Мексику - клуб "Одиссея"

International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»

Travel through Latin America with us!

years of experience
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Our expeditions are not just trips to interesting places. They are journeys toward self-understanding and gaining deep wisdom, which can be achieved through shamanic ceremonies as well as through discovering new spaces and meeting new people. Organizing tours and shamanic journeys is not just our job, it’s our calling.

Become a participant in the Odysseia Club’s excursion tours and shamanic journeys! Our advantages:

Туры в Южную Америку, Перу и Эквадор
Extensive Experience

20 years of traveling through Latin America and living in the region, well-acquainted with many local shamans

Опытные гиды в Перу и Эквадоре
Experienced Guides

researchers in the field of shamanism and indigenous cultures, leading expeditions for the past 20 years

Экспедиции и туры к шаманам Перу
Open Expeditions

open to anyone interested, regardless of knowledge about shamanism or Latin American cultures

The following shamanic journeys and excursion tours are currently available:

International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»
International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»
International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»
International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»
International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»
International Ethnopsychological Travelers Club «Odysseia»

We organize expeditions and tours to South America, trips to shamans in Peru, Ecuador, and Mexico in the following formats:

Индивидуальный тур в Перу, Мексику и Эквадор
Individual Tours

embark on a trip with a personalized plan, alone or with friends

Групповые туры в Перу и Мексику
Group Expeditions

join an exciting journey with a pre-planned itinerary in a group of 5-15 people

Бизнес-туры в Южную Америку
Business Tours

combine work with leisure - visit Latin America with colleagues or partners

We offer:

Books by Konstantin Roninio:


Encounters with Remarkable People

Konstantin Roninio’s new book, released in 2023.

This book consists of stories: stories from my life and the lives of the remarkable people I have met. Most events in my book take place in Latin America, especially in Peru and Mexico. I’ve fallen in love with this region, have lived here for a long time, and continue working here. And I constantly meet remarkable people, both those who live here and those who visit from other parts of the world.

Detailed information: «Encounters with Remarkable People».

Shamanism is a bridge between worlds
Shamanism: The Bridge Between Worlds

First book, re-released in 2019.

Konstantin Roninio, the founder of the ethnopsychological Odysseia Travelers Club, a talented researcher and mystic, has dedicated himself to studying shamanism in regions where it still exists in its natural form: in remote parts of Siberia, Mexico, and especially in the Peruvian jungle.

Detailed information: «Shamanism: The Bridge Between Worlds»

Important materials on our website:

The website offers a wealth of content gathered during our expeditions: articles on shamanism and interviews with shamans; truthful information about shamanic ceremonies in Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador; articles about Ayahuasca, Peyote, and other power plants; information about indigenous peoples, their lifestyle, and culture. If you are interested in these topics, we recommend exploring these materials: